God has not forgotten you, nor has he gone back on any one of his promises to you. You may have experienced unanticipated detours, unwarranted attacks, unpredictable delays, unrealistic expectations, unexpected failures, unnecessary interruptions, unfathomable heartache or undeniable opposition —but that does not mean the purpose of God will not come to pass in your life.

All of the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. That means, no demon in hell, or person on earth can thwart the purpose of God for your life unless you allow it by giving up. I’m dropping in to encourage you to keep believing in God. He still opens doors no person can shut. He still makes a way where there is no way. He still brings dead things to life. You’re not finished. You’re not done. It’s not over. It’s not too late. With God, all things are possible.
- Christine Cane